At Veni Infantino, we build close and longstanding partnerships with our factories to ensure we maintain high quality standards. We always aim to work with suppliers and factories that share our responsibilities and values and work with a relatively small number of partner factories where our product teams regularly visit suppliers throughout the year.

We have a dedicated team committed to ethical trade and, through their continuing efforts each year, we strive to make our business ever more ethically aware and responsible. Wherever we do business, either in the UK or overseas, we are committed to doing our best to deliver a high standard of ethical conduct.

Veni Infantino identifies and engages with suppliers whose practices are consistent with our own code of ethical standards.

There are 9 key principles to our code:

  1. No child labour
  2. No forced labour
  3. Freedom of association
  4. Healthy and safe working conditions
  5. Reasonable wages and benefits
  6. Equal opportunities
  7. Employment security
  8. Respectful treatment of employees
  9. Effective management system


No appliques, beading, or any other materials are tested on animals.